
カナダで働く・カナダで就職 (&skilled Worker移民の移住準備) : 民族モザイク・多文化共生の難しさ


"Come to Canada for the cultural porridge"
(Toronto Free Press 4月22日)

イギリス系のカナダ人としては、"white Anglos"(アングロサクソンの白人)以外の移民や難民が増えて多文化モザイク化が進む現状を歓迎しにくいのも無理はないのかな、と感じさせられるコラム。



What we end up with is a cultural porridge. No wonder Canadians struggle to differentiate themselves from Americans and Europeans.
Ask a Canadian about the most singular feature of this nation and the knee-jerk response will be "universal health care." Ah, yes, of course, Canada, the health care country.
I suspect the outrageous Quebec nationalists are right. Canada is no longer really a nation.











Mosaic madness: The poverty and potential of life in Canada


「移民のまちで暮らす―カナダ マルチカルチュラリズムの試み」




多文化主義政策は,本来,ウクライナ系など西部カナダに多いヨーロッパ系民族グループを対象に考案されたものであった。しかし,1960 年代末に人種差別的移民政策が撤廃され,それまで「望ましくない民族」として排斥されてきた移民が急増して,1971 年以降は非ヨーロッパ系移民が移民の過半数を占めるようになった結果,いわゆる「ビジブル・マイノリティ」がその恩恵を受けることになった。

Come to Canada for the cultural porridge
by Gary Reid
Friday, April 22, 2005

My friend is a staunch anti-monarchist. He believes that Canada will never be whole unless it severs its ties to the British crown and becomes a republic. He argues on behalf of the many immigrants who come here from places that have had nothing to do, or wanted to do, with merry olde England. He wonders what they make of the British influence that permeates our governments, institutions, practices, customs and attitudes (outside of Quebec, of course).

I know what he means. When I travel through the Greater Toronto Area and view its denizens on the streets and in the shops it is quite clear that white Anglos like him and me are a vanishing species. And it isn't just my anecdotal inference. Urban planners, tracking immigration patterns, tell us that, within a few years, the white Anglos will be the minority in the GTA.


Still, I think he is wrong. Not because I am particularly fond of the dotty House of Windsor, but because it is important in a culture to be able to trace its roots. Traditions are the ways in which you identify yourself with a place, with a community, with a people, with a history, and with a civilization.

For about 400 years Canada has been a European-based culture, founded upon Christianity, part of what is known as "Western civilization". Outside of Quebec, English is the lingua franca.

Much of the history of Canada during the last two centuries was taken up with the struggle to avoid being sucked into the great republic to the south. Thousands of former Americans, loyal to the Crown after the American Revolution, fled to Canada. In 1812, the United States attempted to invade and annex us. At the end of the American civil war, there was another try at a U.S. takeover. In 1867, Canada became an independent country, solidly loyal to the British crown.

Why should we reject our history of struggle against republicanism simply because of the inferred sensibilities of newcomers? Why should we deconstruct our European heritage?

My friend is not alone in his outlook. There seems to be a national obsession with self-generated obsequious cultural sublimation to immigrants from non-European cultures.

Our public institutions cater to immigrants in their own native language to such an extent that many of them will never have to learn English during their entire life in Canada. We grant citizenship to people, who openly support the Islamic attempts to destroy western civilization. We agonize over calling the decorated tree at city hall a "Christmas" tree and we no longer have Christmas concerts and carol singing in our public schools, all so that we won't offend people of other faiths. Education specialists are lobbying to get rid of the "Eurocentric thinking" in our public education system because Caribbean students don't seem to be able to cope. We are now contemplating the introduction of Islamic law into our legal system. Religious schools clamour for public funding, in the name of equity. Only a lack of public resources prevents that outcome.

We organize ourselves so that newcomers will not be subjected to our cultural practices and our heritage, so that they will feel, culturally, at least, that they never really left their homeland. It is one thing to be an open society, respectful of other cultures and the celebration of them by members of those societies; it is a different thing to hide your own culture, as if it were shameful.

Liberal and socialist politicians are always lauding our wonderful, multicultural, and diverse country. They talk about it as if it were a source of strength. For them it is--they harvest the immigrant vote. The shaky federal government intends to speed up the immigration process to bring extended family members here three times as fast as they currently arrive.

We have been going down this road for more than a quarter of a century. What we end up with is a cultural porridge. No wonder Canadians struggle to differentiate themselves from Americans and Europeans. Ask a Canadian about the most singular feature of this nation and the knee-jerk response will be "universal health care." Ah, yes, of course, Canada, the health care country.

Universal health care is now the only common cultural denominator in a country determined to remake itself into a mini-United Nations. Who was recently selected in a national poll as the greatest Canadian? Tommy Douglas. Why? He brought us universal health care.

I suspect the outrageous Quebec nationalists are right. Canada is no longer really a nation.

Gary Reid is a freelance writer and a public affairs consultant.

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